Pipfruit Careers

Read about how the pipfruit industry may offer the career you have been looking for.

The pipfruit industry is more than just a summer job - it offers great career opportunities in a wide range of positions. A career in the pipfruit industry can take from thinning to agricultural science and everything in between. Below you can read about how a few people have made their career in pipfruit. For any further information, please contact Summer Wynyard at summer.wynyard@applesandpears.nz


Getting started

Start here to learn about working in the apple and pear industry, the roles that are available, and what's in it for you.


Elliot Easton - Operations Manager

Despite growing up on an orchard, Elliot Easton was always looking past the apple trees to the world beyond. His love of travel has taken him around the globe, and he’s found a way to combine his love of exploring the world into a career in the New Zealand apple industry.


Karla Bradley - Pipfruit Manager

Climbing the ladder in the New Zealand apple growing industry has provided Karla Bradley a career that excites and challenges her.


Scott Frater - Export Packhouse Manager

Working with technology always appealed to Scott Frater, and he’s found an exciting career in tech in the New Zealand apple and pear industry.

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